Almanac spreadsheets in 2022


Comparisons with the 2022 Nautical Almanac Commercial Edition show that our spreadsheets remain sufficiently accurate for the year 2022 without the need for any changes or updates in the calculations.

Note: difference up to 0.6′ in the SHA of the star Rigil Kent. can be seen in the aries_stars.xls spreadsheet when compared to the printed almanac.



Almanac spreadsheets in 2021


Comparisons with the 2021 Nautical Almanac Commercial Edition show that our spreadsheets remain sufficiently accurate for the year 2021 without the need for any changes or updates in the calculations.

Spreadsheets aries_stars.xls and what_star.xls were modified with the changed spelling of one star’s name (Alnair). Archive TAR and ZIP files were also updated accordingly.

Lunar distance presetting

Today I conducted a quick exercise presetting a sextant to the Sun-Moon near-limb distance (no refraction corrections).
Sextant: Astra III Professional with the 7×35 Celestaire telescope
Calculations with Navigation Spreadsheets (screenshots attached)

Date: May 26, 2019
Local time: 9:25 am, U.S. Mountain Daylight Time
Universal Time: 15:25
Location: 35° 53’ N, 106° 19’ W

GHA: 51° 59.4’
Dec: N 21° 08.8’
SD: 15.8’

GHA: 137° 19.1’
Dec: S 13° 17.7’
SD: 14.8’
HP: 54.3’

Topocentric lunar distance: 91° 07.0’
Subtracting the sum of the two semidiameters: 30.6’
Presetting the sextant to: 90° 36.4’

Then, I pointed the sextant at the Moon and soon the Sun appeared right on top of Moon’s limb, as expected. I did not even check the index error beforehand (the sextant has been sitting in its box for months). The whole procedure lasted less than 15 minutes; doing this write-up took somewhat longer than that. 🙂  A good result overall.sunmoonld_prec

Astron 2.00 release

In 2015 “an anonymous benevolent user” of the original Navigation Spreadsheets combined several of them into a single unit named Astron to provide a much more user friendly interface and functionality.

In 2018 version 2.00 has been rewritten as a web page and can be run online on recent versions of popular browsers and, for seafarers, can also be run offline with Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

Coding in Javascript has enabled some improvements and additions. There is now a sky map addition to the Planner section, a sight log, a sight plotter, and an extended lunar section. Future developments are only intended for version 2.

Extensive user notes can be accessed from

(Note: both links were updated on July 22, 2020.)
